Never has it been so important to do more with less.
In almost every geography, hospital and health services are expected to deliver a high quality of health care while managing ever shrinking budgets and an ever growing population.
Compounded with staff shortages and limited capacities, health care services must find opportunities to optimise health service delivery across competing objectives:



Biarri is here to help
We work with hospital and health services to support them in making data-driven decisions in planning, rostering and scheduling.
Our partners harness our deep mathematical optimisation expertise via consulting services and bespoke software implementations to experience multidimensional benefits.
Our customers experience multidimensional benefits

Better prioritisation of care

Increased patient throughput

Reduced patient waiting times

Improved staff wellbeing

We deliver solutions across several use cases:
Workforce Planning and Rostering
Web App for rosterers to manage leave requests and auto-generate compliant and staff-friendly rosters, saving hours in rostering effort.
iOS and Android Mobile App to let your doctors and nurses view shifts, make leave requests and swap shifts.
Operating Theatre Scheduling
Optimally schedule elective surgeries across your theatres to increase your theatre utilisation and throughput, while managing waiting lists across clinical priorities, meeting due dates, and considering bed availability and buffers to accommodate near-term priority patients.
Capacity Planning
Sandbox scenario-planning software and consulting services that allows you to test different capital, operational, policy and management decisions and understand the effects on outcomes for patients, staff and management
Demand Planning and Patient Flow Optimisation
Command and control centre software which allows you to forecast patient waiting times and staff/physical resource bottlenecks over the next 24+ hours, and allows you to run scenario analysis to understand the impact of different interventions
Readmission Risk Stratification
Prioritise your community engagement by stratifying your catchment area and forecasting the individuals most likely to readmit to the ED.
Beyond Optimisation
Our planning software and services equips you with deeper insights for optimal decision-making.
Scenario Analysis
Perform “What-if?” analysis and understand the optimal decisions to make under different scenarios.
Sensitivity Analysis
Understand the sensitivity of your operational performance to individual factors/variables.
Understand how much a variable needs to change for it to impact your operational performance.